40 Days Of Prayer - Day 03
Fumbling In the Dark

Matthew 10:27
“What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the roofs.”
“What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the roofs.”
What hit me here is the fact that God tells us things in the dark part of our lives. So often He feels silent in those times, like He’s not there. But can I encourage us to look for Him? Listen for Him? He’s there in the dark somewhere. He said so.
And one day, when this dark time passes and we emerge back into the light where joy exists, let’s make sure we tell everyone what God spoke to us in the dark. You never know who is sitting in their own darkness listening to you, desperate for hope. If God says He never changes, then I like that we can rest in this promise: that He will forever speak in the dark.
In this time of Lent, you may very well be struggling in the dark, fumbling around to find your way out. God is telling you something…something He desperately wants you to hear. Instead of fumbling to get out, fumble to get closer to God…so you can hear His whisper. But be comforted. You will be back in the light someday because He wants you to share how He was good in the dark.
And one day, when this dark time passes and we emerge back into the light where joy exists, let’s make sure we tell everyone what God spoke to us in the dark. You never know who is sitting in their own darkness listening to you, desperate for hope. If God says He never changes, then I like that we can rest in this promise: that He will forever speak in the dark.
In this time of Lent, you may very well be struggling in the dark, fumbling around to find your way out. God is telling you something…something He desperately wants you to hear. Instead of fumbling to get out, fumble to get closer to God…so you can hear His whisper. But be comforted. You will be back in the light someday because He wants you to share how He was good in the dark.
"Jesus, We just pray to you today to thank you that you are the God of the dark. Help us to have more faith to believe that. You tell us things, you whisper things. In this period of Lent, help us to fumble to find you. To stop looking for a way out but to start looking for a way closer to you. We need your strength to do this, God. We need you to tell us something. We need you to whisper something. Please help us to find you in the dark today. Amen"
Written by Nancy Neufeld
Written by Nancy Neufeld
Posted in 40 Days 0f Prayer Kingdom Legacy
Posted in 40 Days of Prayer, Kingdom Legacy, Listening, Darkness
Posted in 40 Days of Prayer, Kingdom Legacy, Listening, Darkness