A Safe Place

Our senior youth group invites grade 9-12 students from our community to a safe place to learn about, know, love, & serve Jesus - and have tons of fun! We have a team of youth leaders who feel called to serve in this ministry, to connect with, encourage, teach, and empower the senior youth in our church. At the beginning of the year, the youth are divided into life groups with a youth leader. Each week we will be meeting in these small groups and discussing topics relevant to what the kids are experiencing.

We have areas for our youth to serve as well such as the youth worship team, snack team, and set up team. We have service nights where we serve our community and spread God’s love.

What To Expect

A typical youth night consists of a talk, games, snack and time to hang out, get to know each other and pray for one another. Our youth nights take place in-person on Tuesday evenings at New Hope Church from 7-9pm. Follow us on our Instagram page (@newhopesryouth) for more awesome updates.

New to Sr. Youth? 

Looking For More Information?
Check out our New to Sr. Youth Information Handbook:

Register for Sr. Youth 24/25 Here

When and Where

Tuesday Nights 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

*Parents dropping off children at both locations may drop off at 6:50,  
which should allow them to reach the other location by 7:05*

New Hope First

Address: 2360 First Street Louth, St. Catharines
Drop off and pick up happen at the North Entrance Door (big parking lot entrance). Enter through our South driveway and follow the gravel pathway Down First and round Rykert. This will take you around our property to the North Entrance. This helps us alleviate traffic on the road and creates a safe space for drop off and pick up. 

New Hope West

Address: 2831 King Street, Jordan Station
Drop off and pick up happens at the Front door. Please enter through the wider driveway and exit through the narrow driveway or onto Haines St. This will alleviate traffic on the road and help create a safe space for drop off and pick up. 

More Info

Check out the Youth Calendar for 2024-2025

Sr. Youth Life Groups

Get Connected. Go Deeper.

As with all our student ministries, we invite our Sr. Youth to be in life groups. Life group happens Tuesday  nights during youth and is an opportunity for each student to go deeper in their faith journey and have life group leaders invest in and challenge them to live lives following Jesus.