Register for Kids Church here. We saved you a spot!
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
Our Mission is simple. Help prepare children and equip families to grow into a life of service in real world application. Our amazing volunteer teams work hard to create a safe space for your precious little ones to get to know, love and serve Jesus. We offer child care for our littlest of New Hopers in the Nursery with a full kids church service for kids from junior kindergarten all the way up to grade four.
What to Expect
Registration takes place at the Kid's Registration Desk located in our main lobby. Every child will receive a name tag. All allergies and concerns will display on this tag. It is an automated system and the number received will display in the sanctuary during the service if necessary. You will be required to pick up your child and sign them out at the end of service.
In the classroom, kids will be challenged and encouraged in their faith. This is accomplished through a ministry that promotes relationship, biblical truth, spiritual growth, relevance, fun and safety.
*All of our volunteers have completed training and orientation, police checks, and a thorough interview along with character and integrity follow ups.
In the classroom, kids will be challenged and encouraged in their faith. This is accomplished through a ministry that promotes relationship, biblical truth, spiritual growth, relevance, fun and safety.
*All of our volunteers have completed training and orientation, police checks, and a thorough interview along with character and integrity follow ups.
When and Where
Sunday Mornings 8:00am, 9:15am, 10:30 am & 11:45 am
Everything happens right here at New Hope Church. See the the information desk to get signed in or registered.
Day Camp At New Hope 2025
Every year we host the best day camp in Niagara and yes, we are totally biased! Join us August 11-15, 2025, for our Super Mario Day Camp. Registration opens April 12th during our Annual Easter Egg Hunt.
What: Our day camp program is chalked full of games, sports, crafts, stories and discussion time, contests, music and swimming or splashpading (totally a word) daily! We have always been, and will be this year, a safe place for kids to get to know Jesus, learn to love Jesus, and start to serve Jesus.
Who: Campers entering SK-Grade 8 in September 2025
(Those entering Grade 9 or older are invited to volunteer as leaders)
When: August 11th-15th, 2025
Where: TBD!
Time: 9:00-3:30 (Extended Care allows drop off as early at 8:00 am and pick up as late as 5:00 pm and is available for an additional fee)
2024 Cost (2025 cost will be updated in the near future):
$125 for the third child and beyond
Extended Care is $50/child
We never want the payment to be a barrier for your family!
If you need help to make camp possible we'd love to talk about how to make it work for you.
Interested in volunteering to serve that week or in preparation? Have other questions? Email us!
What: Our day camp program is chalked full of games, sports, crafts, stories and discussion time, contests, music and swimming or splashpading (totally a word) daily! We have always been, and will be this year, a safe place for kids to get to know Jesus, learn to love Jesus, and start to serve Jesus.
Who: Campers entering SK-Grade 8 in September 2025
(Those entering Grade 9 or older are invited to volunteer as leaders)
When: August 11th-15th, 2025
Where: TBD!
Time: 9:00-3:30 (Extended Care allows drop off as early at 8:00 am and pick up as late as 5:00 pm and is available for an additional fee)
2024 Cost (2025 cost will be updated in the near future):
$125 for the third child and beyond
Extended Care is $50/child
We never want the payment to be a barrier for your family!
If you need help to make camp possible we'd love to talk about how to make it work for you.
Interested in volunteering to serve that week or in preparation? Have other questions? Email us!
Check out the trailer below to see what Day Camp will be all about!