40 Days Of Prayer - Day 05
The Family Business

It is the oldest, most common model of economic organization. Family-owned businesses account for over 30% of companies with sales over $1 billion. Such businesses benefit from strong familial loyalty and dedication to a concerted goal.
Every Jesus follower is involved in a dynamic “family business.” Jesus referenced this business when he was only twelve. You will recall His words to His parents, when questioned for tarrying in the temple in Jerusalem after a Passover visit. After a three-day search, Jesus was found in discussion with Jewish scholars. Frantic, His mother Mary blurted out, “Son, why have you treated us this way?” Jesus answered them with this question, “Didn’t you know that I must be about my Father’s business?”
As an adult, Jesus worked tirelessly in the mission of that business, namely “to seek and save those which are lost,” but the goal remained incomplete upon His death. Indeed, after He ascended, a mere 120 faithful waited the coming of the Holy Spirit. Before departing, Jesus left His “partners” the business manual for His Father’s eternal enterprise. The task: “Go into the whole world, preach His gospel, baptize believers, and teach them to observe His commands.”
It’s a privilege to be in the “family business” with our Lord. While members of the massive church universal, specifically we are part of a local church of hundreds, who partner together to grow the Lord’s business for His glory.
Christ fashioned the Church to strengthen us to achieve His cause, which He declared cannot fail! The Scriptures instruct us to meet together regularly to sing, to spur, to cheer, and to hearten one another.
What an awesome business plan, inviting people to choose Jesus as their forgiving Saviour! It’s the only enterprise with eternal value!
Every Jesus follower is involved in a dynamic “family business.” Jesus referenced this business when he was only twelve. You will recall His words to His parents, when questioned for tarrying in the temple in Jerusalem after a Passover visit. After a three-day search, Jesus was found in discussion with Jewish scholars. Frantic, His mother Mary blurted out, “Son, why have you treated us this way?” Jesus answered them with this question, “Didn’t you know that I must be about my Father’s business?”
As an adult, Jesus worked tirelessly in the mission of that business, namely “to seek and save those which are lost,” but the goal remained incomplete upon His death. Indeed, after He ascended, a mere 120 faithful waited the coming of the Holy Spirit. Before departing, Jesus left His “partners” the business manual for His Father’s eternal enterprise. The task: “Go into the whole world, preach His gospel, baptize believers, and teach them to observe His commands.”
It’s a privilege to be in the “family business” with our Lord. While members of the massive church universal, specifically we are part of a local church of hundreds, who partner together to grow the Lord’s business for His glory.
Christ fashioned the Church to strengthen us to achieve His cause, which He declared cannot fail! The Scriptures instruct us to meet together regularly to sing, to spur, to cheer, and to hearten one another.
What an awesome business plan, inviting people to choose Jesus as their forgiving Saviour! It’s the only enterprise with eternal value!
"Father, I want to be involved in Your business, leaning on my church family to embolden me for the mission. May I encourage them to fulfill their share of the task. Amen"
Written by Josie Martens
Written by Josie Martens
Posted in 40 Days 0f Prayer Kingdom Legacy
Posted in 40 Days of Prayer, Kingdom Legacy, Family, Work
Posted in 40 Days of Prayer, Kingdom Legacy, Family, Work