40 Days Of Prayer - Day 15
What Is Truth?

Pilate asked Jesus this very question. Jesus told him that everyone who is on the side of truth listens to His words. Just before His betrayal, Jesus told His disciples, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father, except through Me.” Then Jesus prayed over them, requesting that God, “Sanctify them in the Truth; Your Word is Truth.”
Jesus’ words, God’s words, the Holy Spirit’s words – they are the Truth. How blessed we are that God recorded His words for us! Are there any better words with which to start each day, and upon which to establish our families? Where better to learn this Truth than in church on Sunday mornings, in Life Group, at Kids Ministry, in Day Camp, and at Youth Group?
Regular participation in these Bible focused settings guarantees that God’s Truth will embed itself into our consciousness, creating a worldview within, a framework that will shape our thoughts and actions for His glory.
Isaiah 55:11 promises that God’s words will never boomerang back to Him empty. They meet their target every time, wherever open hearts readily receive them.
We are bombarded incessantly with words every day. Finding truth in all of this jargon and rhetoric can be difficult and puzzling. Without the knowledge of God’s Word, discerning truth is impossible. But a life saturated in the Scriptures is grounded in Living Truth. Jesus said, “You will know the truth and the truth will set you free!”
Jesus’ words, God’s words, the Holy Spirit’s words – they are the Truth. How blessed we are that God recorded His words for us! Are there any better words with which to start each day, and upon which to establish our families? Where better to learn this Truth than in church on Sunday mornings, in Life Group, at Kids Ministry, in Day Camp, and at Youth Group?
Regular participation in these Bible focused settings guarantees that God’s Truth will embed itself into our consciousness, creating a worldview within, a framework that will shape our thoughts and actions for His glory.
Isaiah 55:11 promises that God’s words will never boomerang back to Him empty. They meet their target every time, wherever open hearts readily receive them.
We are bombarded incessantly with words every day. Finding truth in all of this jargon and rhetoric can be difficult and puzzling. Without the knowledge of God’s Word, discerning truth is impossible. But a life saturated in the Scriptures is grounded in Living Truth. Jesus said, “You will know the truth and the truth will set you free!”
“Lord, in the noise of life, may I rest securely in Your Truth. May I discipline myself to bathe in it daily! Amen”
Let God’s Word wash you today with the encouraging words of Psalm 46.
Written by Josie Martens
Let God’s Word wash you today with the encouraging words of Psalm 46.
Written by Josie Martens