40 Days Of Prayer - Day 28
In the Dark Room

Psalm 139:12
“Even the darkness is not dark to You. And the night is as bright as the day. Darkness and light are alike to You.”
“Even the darkness is not dark to You. And the night is as bright as the day. Darkness and light are alike to You.”
Not too many people have a dark room in their house but I know a couple who did. Complete darkness was critical for successful development of their film. Just like the negatives we can find ourselves in the “dark room” of life being developed into the image of God.
Sometimes we would like to rush this process, to hurry our time in the dark because let’s face it, who wants to be alone in the darkness? With hindsight though we realize that God was using this time to do His mysterious work in us when we could not see it ourselves.
One thing that happens when we find ourselves in the dark is that we learn to live by faith. We realize we don’t have control, of course we never did but now it’s abundantly clear how dependent on God we actually are. We learn to trust that God see’s us and knows exactly where we are, that darkness does not hinder Him at all.
Second, we’re forced to slow down. It’s hard to move quickly and navigate in the dark without banging into something! It is a time for sitting tight, increased prayer and soul searching.
Finally, in the dark ironically things begin to become clear. We see life differently now, distractions have been removed and we know now what matters most, what we need to let go of and where we need to grab on.
Friends, if you are in the dark room right now, hang on. Trust that God is doing His work in you. Slow down and surrender to Him. Darkness and light are the same to Him and He is there to guide and protect you.
2 Samuel 22:29
“You are my lamp O Lord; the Lord turns my darkness into light.”
Sometimes we would like to rush this process, to hurry our time in the dark because let’s face it, who wants to be alone in the darkness? With hindsight though we realize that God was using this time to do His mysterious work in us when we could not see it ourselves.
One thing that happens when we find ourselves in the dark is that we learn to live by faith. We realize we don’t have control, of course we never did but now it’s abundantly clear how dependent on God we actually are. We learn to trust that God see’s us and knows exactly where we are, that darkness does not hinder Him at all.
Second, we’re forced to slow down. It’s hard to move quickly and navigate in the dark without banging into something! It is a time for sitting tight, increased prayer and soul searching.
Finally, in the dark ironically things begin to become clear. We see life differently now, distractions have been removed and we know now what matters most, what we need to let go of and where we need to grab on.
Friends, if you are in the dark room right now, hang on. Trust that God is doing His work in you. Slow down and surrender to Him. Darkness and light are the same to Him and He is there to guide and protect you.
2 Samuel 22:29
“You are my lamp O Lord; the Lord turns my darkness into light.”
"Heavenly Father, thank you that the darkness does not hinder you, that you see everything and above all You never lose sight of me."
Written by Sheila Ely
Written by Sheila Ely
Posted in 40 Days 0f Prayer Kingdom Legacy
Posted in 40 Days of Prayer, Kingdom Legacy, Trust, Darkness
Posted in 40 Days of Prayer, Kingdom Legacy, Trust, Darkness